About Us

Abercorn Capital is a private principal investments firm which organizes the investments and real estate holdings of its partners and acts as a platform to explore further opportunities.

Our Values

We believe in building close partnerships based on integrity, trust, transparency and discretion.  We invest time and resources to know the corporates we work with, understanding their strategy, motivations, and challenges.

In today’s frontierless world, our deep understanding of cultural nuances enables us to navigate multiple regions with sensitivity and confidence and it is this way of doing business that differentiates us.

Corporate Responsibility

Being a responsible corporate citizen lies at the heart of Abercorn Capital’s philosophy. We have a long-term commitment to supporting the communities in which we and our partners work, particularly in the developing world and in the areas of environmental conservation and climate change adaptation.

Corporate Responsibility

Being a responsible corporate citizen lies at the heart of Abercorn Capital’s philosophy. We have a long-term commitment to supporting the communities in which we and our partners work, particularly in the developing world and in the areas of environmental conservation and climate change adaptation.